Saturday, 12 September 2009

pre race nerves!!

How ridiculous, an average 42 year old runner getting nervous before my half marathon tomorrow! but it`s true. Actually I`m really looking forward to it ..the Nottingham half marathon, my first in nearly 5 years, its the same venue as my first full marathon in 2004 so will be nice to go back. Apparently there were 11000 runners last year so should be good atmosphere. From what i remember its fairly flat and fast course so hopefully if i can dodge the throngs of people I may achieve a new PB, what I would love is a sub 1.30min but we`ll see how it this space!! Pretty early start so being picked up by a m8 from work at 7.30 so will be have to be up at crack of dawn! Hopefully soon I will start feeling tired so I can get to bed and get a half decent nights sleep.
So race strategy?....well think I'm going to try to run an even paced race, I`m hoping the first couple of miles aren`t too slow cause of the crowds, by mile 8 if I can be averaging 6.45, then that will be nice , from there push on and hang on for that elusive sub 1.30....I know I know it`s not too scientific! Gonna take my race belt with me for my race number and then I can carry a couple of gels too, and I`ll rely on the aid stations for occasional cup of water , hopefully I`ll be fine up to the hour mark. Just picked up my gels from the post office this morning, I was at work when they were delivered so I have a nice big stock of SIS isotonic gels , definitely my favourite brand, tasty nice and thin ..not too gloopy and u don`t need to have water with them so all in all great product.
Well that`s about it for now, try and post tomorrow for race report.

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